
How much do you have to pay the Treasury for inheriting a home?

How much do you have to pay the Treasury for inheriting a home?

We tell you how much you pay to the Treasury for inheriting a house and all the details that you must know about your taxation

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Personal Income Tax Deduction for Installation of Solar Panels 2024

Personal Income Tax Deduction for Installation of Solar Panels 2024

Solar energy is not only a sustainable and economically smart option, but it can also be a powerful tool to optimize your finances, for example, with the Personal Income Tax Deduction for the Installation of Solar Panels.

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Hidden defects in a second-hand home, examples and how to complain

Hidden defects in a second-hand home, examples and how to complain

In this article we will explore the concept of hidden defects in a second-hand home, give examples of common defects and talk about the importance of thoroughly inspecting a property before making the purchase.

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Valor de referencia de catastro: What taxes and properties does it affect?

Valor de referencia de catastro: What taxes and properties does it affect?

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